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Diameter of stick: – 24 CM
Length of stick: – 82.50
Weight: – .350gM
Find the right length: You’re aiming for a 90-degree bend at your elbow when pole tips touch the ground. Choose features: Adjustability, foldability, shock absorption, weight and locking mechanisms (for adjustable poles) are just some of the features and options that will guide your buying choice
Chestnut is sturdy and the perfect choice for a lighter-weight stick as it is less dense than other woods due to its fast-growing nature. Blackthorn, due to its slow growth, is strong and dense, but rather easy to work with, which makes it extremely popular with carvers and manufacturers.
You certainly don’t have to be any specific age. Those recovering from surgery or a major injury, even those in their early twenties, may use a cane to assist with mobility during the recovery process. Anyone who is worried about falling, or simply has pain in the knees or hips after walking can start using a can
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